688 research outputs found

    The impact of predictability on dual-task performance and implications for resource-sharing accounts.

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    The aim of this study was to examine the impact of predictability on dual-task performance by systematically manipulating predictability in either one of two tasks, as well as between tasks. According to capacity-sharing accounts of multitasking, assuming a general pool of resources two tasks can draw upon, predictability should reduce the need for resources and allow more resources to be used by the other task. However, it is currently not well understood what drives resource-allocation policy in dual tasks and which resource allocation policies participants pursue. We used a continuous tracking task together with an audiomotor task and manipulated advance visual information about the tracking path in the first experiment and a sound sequence in the second experiments (2a/b). Results show that performance predominantly improved in the predictable task but not in the unpredictable task, suggesting that participants did not invest more resources into the unpredictable task. One possible explanation was that the re-investment of resources into another task requires some relationship between the tasks. Therefore, in the third experiment, we covaried the two tasks by having sounds 250 ms before turning points in the tracking curve. This enabled participants to improve performance in both tasks, suggesting that resources were shared better between tasks

    MPV17 Mutations Are Associated With a Quiescent Energetic Metabolic Profile

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    Funding: SJ was funded by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. TO was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy - EXC 2067/1- 390729940). AR and TC-O were funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Regional Development Fund (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER000012- HealthyAging2020), (POCI-010145-FEDER-007440), and (POCI-01-145-FEDER-29297). MS and MG were funded by UID/NEU/04539/2019 (Strategic Plan CNC.IBILI).Mutations in the MPV17 gene are associated with hepatocerebral form of mitochondrial depletion syndrome. The mechanisms through which MPV17 mutations cause respiratory chain dysfunction and mtDNA depletion is still unclear. The MPV17 gene encodes an inner membrane mitochondrial protein that was recently described to function as a non-selective channel. Although its exact function is unknown, it is thought to be important in the maintenance of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm). To obtain more information about the role of MPV17 in human disease, we investigated the effect of MPV17 knockdown and of selected known MPV17 mutations associated with MPV17 disease in vitro. We used different approaches in order to evaluate the cellular consequences of MPV17 deficiency. We found that lower levels of MPV17 were associated with impaired mitochondrial respiration and with a quiescent energetic metabolic profile. All the mutations studied destabilized the protein, resulting in reduced protein levels. We also demonstrated that different mutations caused different cellular abnormalities, including increased ROS production, decreased oxygen consumption, loss of ΔΨm, and mislocalization of MPV17 protein. Our study provides novel insight into the molecular effects of MPV17 mutations and opens novel possibilities for testing therapeutic strategies for a devastating group of disorders.publishersversionpublishe

    Chromosomal mapping of rDNAs and H3 histone sequences in the grasshopper rhammatocerus brasiliensis (acrididae, gomphocerinae): extensive chromosomal dispersion and co-localization of 5S rDNA/H3 histone clusters in the A complement and B chromosome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Supernumerary B chromosomes occur in addition to standard karyotype and have been described in about 15% of eukaryotes, being the repetitive DNAs the major component of these chromosomes, including in some cases the presence of multigene families. To advance in the understanding of chromosomal organization of multigene families and B chromosome structure and evolution, the distribution of rRNA and H3 histone genes were analyzed in the standard karyotype and B chromosome of three populations of the grasshopper <it>Rhammatocerus brasiliensis</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The location of major rDNA was coincident with the previous analysis for this species. On the other hand, the 5S rDNA mapped in almost all chromosomes of the standard complement (except in the pair 11) and in the B chromosome, showing a distinct result from other populations previously analyzed. Besides the spreading of 5S rDNA in the genome of <it>R. brasiliensis </it>it was also observed multiple sites for H3 histone genes, being located in the same chromosomal regions of 5S rDNAs, including the presence of the H3 gene in the B chromosome.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Due to the intense spreading of 5S rRNA and H3 histone genes in the genome of <it>R. brasiliensis</it>, their chromosomal distribution was not informative in the clarification of the origin of B elements. Our results indicate a linked organization for the 5S rRNA and H3 histone multigene families investigated in <it>R. brasiliensis</it>, reinforcing previous data concerning the association of both genes in some insect groups. The present findings contribute to understanding the organization/evolution of multigene families in the insect genomes.</p

    Gestão da água e das águas residuais para uma viticultura e enologia sustentáveis no sul de Portugal - Revisão

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    Assessing sustainability of the wine industry requires improved characterization of its environmental impacts, namely in terms of water use. Therefore, quantification of water inputs and wastewater (WW) outputs is needed to highlight inefficiencies in wine production and related consequences for the environment. Water use and WW generation in irrigated viticulture and oenology remains insufficiently quantified for dry Mediterranean regions (e.g. South Portugal). This paper is focused on wine production under warm and dry climate conditions in the winegrowing region of Alentejo (South Portugal). This region experiences increasingly dry conditions, while the irrigated area keeps expanding, which puts exacerbates the pressure on existing local and regional water resources. Additionally, more erratic variation in climate conditions and the tendency for increasingly extreme climate events (e.g. heat waves) pose more challenges to Alentejo’s wine sector. We conclude that quantitative information on water use and management is not always easy to obtain or access, which hinders improved strategies and/or policies for water use at farm, winery and region-level. Up-to-date statistics and robust metrics can help to better characterize water use and WW flows for Alentejo’s wine region, while optimizing management in vineyards and wineries, in companies and region-wide. The paper is focused on a “Farm-Winery" scenario, which is the most common in South Portugal's wine sectorA avaliação da sustentabilidade da indústria vitivinícola requer uma caracterização detalhada do seu impacto ambiental, nomeadamente ao nível do factor água. A quantificação detalhada dos consumos de água e das águas residuais produzidas (WW) é crucial para identificação de ineficiências na indústria da vinha e do vinho. A utilização da água e a gestão dos efluentes em viticultura regada e na adega permanecem pouco quantificados nas regiões mediterrânicas. O presente trabalho centra-se na produção de vinho em condições de clima quente e seco, tomando como exemplo a região vitivinícola do Alentejo (Sul de Portugal). A região está sujeita a situações de seca mais frequentes e severas, enquanto a área regada continua em expansão, o que pressiona os recursos hídricos locais e regionais. Além disso, as condições climáticas altamente variáveis e a maior tendência para eventos climáticos extremos (e.g. ondas de calor) colocam desafios ao setor vitivinícola no Sul de Portugal. Concluímos que a informação quantitativa relativa ao uso e gestão de água não está sempre facilmente disponível, limitando a otimização de estratégias e/ou políticas para o uso da água ao nível da vinha, da adega e da região. Dados atualizados e indicadores robustos podem ajudar a caracterizar melhor o uso de água e a geração de água residual na região vitivinícola do Alentejo, otimizando a gestão na vinha e na adega, ao nível da empresa e da região. O artigo centra-se num cenário de produtor-engarrafador (“Farm-Winery”), que é o mais comum no setor vitivinícola no Sul de Portugalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Menor incidência de hipoglicemia noturna com o uso de insulina lispro comparada à insulina humana regular no tratamento de pacientes com diabetes do tipo 1

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    Insulin lispro is a human insulin analog of rapid onset of action and duration, which mimics the physiological insulin profile after a meal. We have evaluated the safety and efficacy of lispro insulin in comparison with human regular insulin in a crossover, multicenter, randomized trial in 25 type 1 diabetic patients in use of human NPH and regular insulin (median age = 16 years). After administration of lispro or regular insulin for 2 months, the patients were transferred for the other insulin for two more months, maintaining the basal NPH insulin regimen. There was no difference in the postprandial glucose excursion and glycated hemoglobin A1c comparing the 2 groups (lispro and regular). The relative percentage decrease in glycemia was significantly greater with lispro insulin after lunch, in the first phase of the study (p<0.02). The total number of hypo-glycemic episodes was not different comparing both groups. However, there was a significant difference in the nocturnal hypoglycemia incidence with initial administration of lispro (p<0.05). With initial administration of regular insulin, there was an increase in the incidence of nocturnal hypoglycemia (p=0.038), with a subsequent reduction of hypoglycemia with insulin lispro (p=0.04). In the end of the study, 68% of the patients referred preference and better feeling with lispro, compared to regular insulin. Insulin lispro was a safe and efficacious option, with lower incidence of nocturnal hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetics. An optimization of the basal insulin regimen is necessary to improve glucose control with the use of rapid-action insulin.Insulina lispro é um análogo da insulina humana de ação e duração rápida, que mimeíiza o perfil fisiológico da insulina após uma refeição. Avaliamos a segurança e eficácia da insulina lispro em comparação com a insulina humana regular em um estudo multicêntrico, randomizado e cruzado em 27 diabéticos tipo 1 em uso de insulina humana NPH e regular (idade mediana = 16 anos). Após uso de insulina lispro ou regular por 2 meses, fez-se a transferência para a outra insulina por mais 2 meses mantendo-se a insulina NPH basal. Não houve diferença em relação à excursão prandial da glicemia da hemoglobina glicosilada A1C, comparando-se os 2 grupos (lispro e regular). O decréscimo percentual relativo da glicemia foi significantemente maior com insulina lispro no período do almoço, na primeira fase do estudo (p<0,02). O número total de episódios hipoglicêmicos não foi diferente, comparando os 2 grupos. Houve, porém, uma redução significante na incidência de hipoglicemia noturna e na madrugada com o uso inicial de lispro (p<0,05). Com o uso inicial de insulina regular, houve incremento na incidência de hipoglicemia noturna (p=0,038), com redução posterior na incidência da hipoglicemia com insulina lispro (p=0,04). Ao final do estudo, 68% dos pacientes referiram preferência e maior comodidade com insulina lispro em relação à insulina regular. A insulina lispro se mostrou uma opção segura e eficaz, com menor incidência de hipoglicemia noturna em diabéticos tipo 1. Uma otimização do regime de insulina basal é necessária para melhora do controle glicêmico, quando em uso de uma insulina de ação rápida.Universidade Federal do CearáUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Laboratório Eli Lilly do BrasilUNIFESPSciEL

    Characterization of a natural surfactant from an essential oil from neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) for textile industry applications

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    Surfactants are multipurpose active compounds and are ubiquitously present in detergents. Detergent demand spiked due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, further alerting to the need to replace petrochemical synthetic surfactants with natural and renewable surfactants to mitigate further environmental damage. The neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) is a fast-growing tree that provides a multitude of commodities, namely neem oil. Neem oil possesses insecticidal and medicinal activity. This work reports the extraction and characterization of a surfactant from neem oil (SNO), displaying a yield of approximately 100%. SNO exhibited suitable detergent characteristics with a high potential to be used as a cleansing agent for textile applications, such as high pH value (10.1), suitable foaming of 1.5 cm and a critical micelle concentration of nearly 0.12 g mL−1. In addition, SNO showed a moderate bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli and bacteriostatic activity against Staphylococcus aureus, both common nosocomial pathogens. Therefore, SNO has a good potential to be used in medical textile applications due to its detergent and bactericidal properties. Finally, an economical overview of the SNO production process was assessed, underscoring its viability.This work was supported by the Brazilian Coordenac¸~ao de Aperfei¸oamento de Pessoal de N ıvel Superior and by the Portuguese Fundac¸~ao para Cieˆncia e a Tecnologia, Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional and Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizac¸~ao in the frame of the Portugal 2020 program for the project PLASMAMED PTDC/CTM-TEX/28295/2017

    Optimal use of visual information in adolescents and young adults with developmental coordination disorder

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    Recent reports offer contrasting views on whether or not the use of online visual control is impaired in individuals with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). This study explored the optimal temporal basis for processing and using visual information in adolescents and young adults with DCD. Participants were 22 adolescents and young adults (12 males and 10 females; M = 19 years, SD = 3). Half had been diagnosed with DCD as children and still performed poorly on the movement assessment battery for children (DCD group; n = 11), and half reported typical development (TD group; n = 11) and were age- and gender-matched with the DCD group. We used performance on a steering task as a measure of information processing and examined the use of advance visual information. The conditions varied the duration of advance visual information: 125, 250, 500, 750, and 1,000 ms. With increased duration of advance visual information, the TD group showed a pattern of linear improvement. For the DCD group, however, the pattern was best described by a U-curve where optimal performance occurred with about 750 ms of advance information. The results suggest that the DCD group has an underlying preference for immediate online processing of visual information. The exact timing for optimal online control may depend crucially on the task, but too much advance information is detrimental to performance